Automating The Wrong Things


1 min read

One of the most perplexing parts of engineering culture is the legacy menace driving all decisions. It's perplexing as it isn't immediately obvious. If you look at the developments in software over the past ten years, the most groundbreaking ones help wrangle with past design decisions. Cue in Docker, Kubernetes, Tailwinds, SickNewProgLang™, etc. Super cool, but maybe we're choosing the wrong things the automate.

All of the above are fascinating feats of engineering. They help developer fatigue. They let you shave off the mounds of perpetual requirements you get from either bosses or users. They allow you to spin the wheel faster and faster, and you can't look away in this weird mixture of awe and horror. You find yourself convinced enough that this is the futu- ...wait. That's the issue though, it seems. Already we're seeing this revision from Docker, back to Podman, and now back to daemons. Or Electron, React Native, to Flutter, then eventually back to native development. Is this the future?

If the whole world is constantly developing on the back foot, reacting to expectations and acquiescing to previous decisions, it's hard to say you'll end up anywhere else other than maniacally laughing as you pull +2k dependencies to make a static site.